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Materiales Nanoestructurados y Microestructura

Influence of the Capping Molecule on the Magnetic Behavior of Thiol-Capped Gold Nanoparticles

Crespo, Patricia; Guerrero, Estefania; Angel Munoz-Marquez, Miguel; Hernando, Antonio; Fernandez, Asuncion
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 44 (2008) 2768-2771

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Gold nanoparticles with an average particle size below 3 nm have been synthesized and stabilized with different thiol-derivatized molecules for studying the influence of the capping molecule on the magnetic behavior. Thiolated-alkane chains with different lengths as well as a thiol-containing biomolecule (tiopronin) have been selected as protecting shells for the synthesized NPs. Magnetic characterization indicates that the appearance of a ferromagnetic-like behavior is related not only with the formation of Au-S bonds linking the protective molecules to the nanoparticle surface but also with the formation of the nanoparticle itself as well as with the geometry of the capping molecule. The later seems to determine whether the protective monolayer shell is ordered or not. The simultaneous presence of Au-Au and Au-S bonds together with a reduced particle diameter, and the formation of an ordered monolayer protective shell, have been proved to be key parameters for the ferromagnetic-like behavior exhibited by thiol-functionalized gold NPs.

Noviembre, 2008 | DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2008.2001990

Materiales de Diseño para la Energía y Medioambiente

Crystallographic texture in Al2O3-ZrO2 (Y2O3) directionally solidified eutectics

Ramirez-Rico, J; de Arellano-Lopez, AR; Martinez-Fernandez, J; Pena, JI; Larrea, A
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, 28 (2008) 2681-2686

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Directionally solidified Al2O3-based eutectics are in situ composites grown from the melt. The directional nature of the solidification process makes these materials highly anisotropic and therefore the measurement and quantification of their crystallographic texture is necessary to understand their physical properties. We studied the texture of Al2O3-ZrO2 (12 mol% Y2O3) eutectic rods by means of X-ray and electron backscattering diffraction. The phases grow according to the relationship (10 (1) over bar2}(Al2O3) //{110}(ZrO2) and Al2O3 is oriented with its c-axis approximately parallel to the growth direction. We observed that the c-axis orientation is not constant throughout the sample, but instead changes according to the distance from the growth axis. The c-axis orientation spread was found to be 10 degrees. This spread is a consequence of the curvature of the liquid-solid interface during solidification, whose shape we reconstructed using EBSD data.

Octubre, 2008 | DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2008.04.015

Materiales de Diseño para la Energía y Medioambiente

The Role of Hydroxyl Groups in the Self-Assembly of Long Chain Alkylhydroxyl Carboxylic Acids on Mica

Benitez, JJ; Heredia-Guerrero, JA; Serrano, FM; Heredia, A
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (2008) 16391-16401

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The adsorption and self-assembly of hydroxylated long chain fatty acids on mica has been studied by AFM. The presence of secondary midchain hydroxyl groups is found to strongly affect the self-assembly process via the reinforcement of lateral interactions between molecules by -OH center dot center dot center dot HO- hydrogen bonding. On the other side, the availability of an exposed terminal hydroxyl group in the acid molecule triggers the formation of a second layer due to the strength of tile -OH center dot center dot center dot HOOC- tail-to-head interaction. Surface coverage (theta) data follow a Langmuir-type relationship vs solution concentration (c). The analysis of the slope of 1/theta vs 1/c plots provides a relative estimation of the adsorption enthalpy for the formation of the first and second monolayers. Based on that, both the contribution of molecule-substrate and lateral molecule-molecule energy terms are found to be relevant in the self-assembly of this type of molecule oil mica.

Octubre, 2008 | DOI: 10.1021/jp805445z

Materiales Coloidales

Synthesis of Spherical Down- and Up-Conversion NaYF4-Based Nanophosphors with Tunable Size in Ethylene Glycol without Surfactants or Capping Additives

Nunez, NO; Miguez, H; Quintanilla, M; Cantelar, E; Cusso, F; Ocana, M
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 29 (2008) 4517-4524

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A very simple route for the synthesis of spherical down-conversion (DC) and up-conversion (UC) NaYF4-based nanophosphors is described which consists of a precipitation reaction at rather low temperature (max. 120 degrees C) from solutions containing sodium fluoride and appropriate Ln precursors in a common solvent (ethylene glycol/water mixtures), without the use of any other additive (complexing agent or surfactant). The role played by the nature of the yttrium precursor and the solvent on the morphological characteristics of the nanoparticles is discussed. The size of the nanospheres, which crystallized in the cubic alpha-NaYF4 phase, could be tuned within the 45-155 nm range by adjusting the reaction parameters (temperature and ethylene glycol/water ratio). The applicability of this method is illustrated for the synthesis of Eu-III-doped (DC), Tb-III-doped (DC) and Yb-III/Er-III codoped (UC) NaYF4 nanophosphors, whose luminescent properties were also analysed.

Octubre, 2008 | DOI: 10.1002/ejic.200800363

Nanotecnología en Superficies y Plasma

Nanostructural control in solution-derived epitaxial Ce1-xGdxO2-y films

Coll, M; Gazquez, J; Sandiumenge, F; Puig, T; Obradors, X; Espinos, JP; Huhne, R
Nanotechnology, 19 (2008) 395601

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A novel mechanism based on aliovalent doping, allowing fine tuning of the nanostructure and surface topography of solution-derived ceria films, is reported. While under reducing atmospheric conditions, non-doped ceria films are inherently polycrystalline due to an interstitial amorphous Ce2C3 phase that inhibits grain growth, a high quality epitaxial film can be achieved simply by doping with Gd3+ cations. Gd3+ <-> Ce4+ substitutions within the lattice are accompanied by charge-compensating oxygen vacancies throughout the volume of the crystallites acting as an efficient vehicle to reduce the barrier for grain boundary motion caused by interstitial Ce2C3. In this way, the original nanostructure is self-purified by pushing the amorphous Ce2C3 phase towards the free surface of the film. Once a full epitaxial cube-on-cube oriented ceria film is obtained, its surface morphology is dictated by the interplay between faceting on low energy {110} and/or {111} pyramidal planes and truncation of those pyramids by (001) ones. The development of the latter requires the suppression of their polar character which is thought to be achieved by charge compensation between the dopand and oxygen along < 100 > directions.

Octubre, 2008 | DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/19/39/395601





