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Química de Superficies y Catálisis

Is the RWGS a viable route for CO2 conversion to added value products? A techno-economic study to understand the optimal RWGS conditions

Portillo, E; Gandara-Loe, J; Reina, TR; Pastor-Perez, L
Science of the Total Environment, 857 (2023) 159394

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Understanding the viability of the RWGS from a thermodynamic and techno-economic angle opens new horizons within CO2 conversion technologies. Unfortunately, profitability studies of this technology are scarce in literature and mainly focused on overall conversion and selectivity trends with tangential remarks on energy demands and pro-cess costs. To address this research gap, herein we present a comprehensive techno-economic study of the RWGS reac-tion when coupling with Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is envisaged to produced fuels and chemicals using CO2 as building block. We showcase a remarkable impact of operating conditions in the final syngas product and both CAPEX and OPEX. From a capital investment perspective, optimal situations involve RWGS unit running at low temperatures and high pressures as evidenced by our results. However, from the running cost angle, operating at 4 bar is the most favorable alternative within the studied scenarios. Our findings showcase that, no matter the selected temperature the RWGS unit should be preferentially run at intermediate pressures. Ultimately, our work maps out multiple operat-ing scenarios in terms of energy demand and process cost serving as guideline to set optimal reaction conditions to un-lock the potential of the RWGS for chemical CO2 recycling.

Enero, 2023 | DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159394

Reactividad de Sólidos

Low Temperature Magnetic Transition of BiFeO3 Ceramics Sintered by Electric Field-Assisted Methods: Flash and Spark Plasma Sintering

Manchon-Gordon, AF; Perejon, A; Gil-Gonzalez, E; Kowalczyk, M; Sanchez-Jimenez, PE; Perez-Maqueda, LA
Materials, 16 (2023) 189

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Low temperature magnetic properties of BiFeO3 powders sintered by flash and spark plasma sintering were studied. An anomaly observed in the magnetic measurements at 250 K proves the clear existence of a phase transition. This transformation, which becomes less well-defined as the grain sizes are reduced to nanometer scale, was described with regard to a magneto-elastic coupling. Furthermore, the samples exhibited enhanced ferromagnetic properties as compared with those of a pellet prepared by the conventional solid-state technique, with both a higher coercivity field and remnant magnetization, reaching a maximum value of 1.17 kOe and 8.5 10(-3) emu/g, respectively, for the specimen sintered by flash sintering, which possesses the smallest grains. The specimens also show more significant exchange bias, from 22 to 177 Oe for the specimen prepared by the solid-state method and flash sintering technique, respectively. The observed increase in this parameter is explained in terms of a stronger exchange interaction between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic grains in the case of the pellet sintered by flash sintering.

Enero, 2023 | DOI: 10.3390/ma16010189

Nanotecnología en Superficies y Plasma

A Holistic Solution to Icing by Acoustic Waves: De-Icing, Active Anti-Icing, Sensing with Piezoelectric Crystals, and Synergy with Thin Film Passive Anti-Icing Solutions

Del Moral, J; Montes, L; Rico-Gavira, VJ; Lopez-Santos, C; Jacob, S; Oliva-Ramirez, M; Gil-Rostra, J; Fakhfouri, A; Pandey, S; Del Val, MG; Mora, J; García-Gallego, P; Ibanez-Ibanez, PF; Rodríguez Valverde, MA; Winkler, A; Borras, A; Gonzalez-Elipe, AR
Advanced Functional Materials, 33 (2023) 2209421

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Icing has become a hot topic both in academia and in the industry given its implications in transport, wind turbines, photovoltaics, and telecommunications. Recently proposed de-icing solutions involving the propagation of acoustic waves (AWs) at suitable substrates may open the path for a sustainable alternative to standard de-icing or anti-icing procedures. Herein, the fundamental interactions are unraveled that contribute to the de-icing and/or hinder the icing on AW-activated substrates. The response toward icing of a reliable model system consisting of a piezoelectric plate activated by extended electrodes is characterized at a laboratory scale and in an icing wind tunnel under realistic conditions. Experiments show that surface modification with anti-icing functionalities provides a synergistic response when activated with AWs. A thoughtful analysis of the resonance frequency dependence on experimental variables such as temperature, ice formation, or wind velocity demonstrates the application of AW devices for real-time monitoring of icing processes.

Enero, 2023 | DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202209421 | Digital CSIC:


Química de Superficies y Catálisis

Materials challenges and opportunities to address growing micro/ nanoplastics pollution: a review of thermochemical upcycling

Parrilla-Lahoz, S; Mahebadevan, S; Kauta, M; Zambrano, MC; Pawlak, JJ; Venditti, RA; Reina, TR; Duyar, MS
Materials Today Sustainability, 20 (2022) 100200

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Micro/nanoplastics have sparked attention in recent years due to their widespread presence in the environment. Currently, several waste valorization approaches are under development in order to upcycle micro/nanoplastics. Thermal conversion technologies such as pyrolysis, gasification, liquefaction, or hydrothermal carbonization can yield high-value solid products, oil, and gases from plastics waste. The common thermal conversion technologies investigated focus on maximizing the production of oil and gases (such as H2 and CH4) for use as fuel. Except for hydrogen, when these products are used to generate energy, the carbon emissions generated are comparable to those produced by traditional fossil fuels. Herein, we present a review of the current efforts to capture and convert plastic waste into valuable products with an emphasis on identifying the need to develop processes specifically for micro/nano-plastics while also preventing the release of CO2 emissions. We identify the development of efficient catalytic materials as a critical research need for achieving economically viable thermochemical con-version of micro/nanoplastics.

Diciembre, 2022 | DOI: 10.1016/j.mtsust.2022.100200

Química de Superficies y Catálisis

Development of Power-to-X Catalytic Processes for CO2 Valorisation: From the Molecular Level to the Reactor Architecture

Bobadilla, LF; Azancot, L; Luque-Alvarez, LA; Torres-Sempere, G; Gonzalez-Castano, M; Pastor-Perez, L; Ramírez-Reina, T; Ivanova, S; Centeno, MA; Odriozola, JA
Chemistry, 4 (2022) 1250-1280

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Nowadays, global climate change is likely the most compelling problem mankind is facing. In this scenario, decarbonisation of the chemical industry is one of the global challenges that the scientific community needs to address in the immediate future. Catalysis and catalytic processes are called to play a decisive role in the transition to a more sustainable and low-carbon future. This critical review analyses the unique advantages of structured reactors (isothermicity, a wide range of residence times availability, complex geometries) with the multifunctional design of efficient catalysts to synthesise chemicals using CO2 and renewable H-2 in a Power-to-X (PTX) strategy. Fine-chemistry synthetic methods and advanced in situ/operando techniques are essential to elucidate the changes of the catalysts during the studied reaction, thus gathering fundamental information about the active species and reaction mechanisms. Such information becomes crucial to refine the catalyst's formulation and boost the reaction's performance. On the other hand, reactors architecture allows flow pattern and temperature control, the management of strong thermal effects and the incorporation of specifically designed materials as catalytically active phases are expected to significantly contribute to the advance in the valorisation of CO2 in the form of high added-value products. From a general perspective, this paper aims to update the state of the art in Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) and PTX concepts with emphasis on processes involving the transformation of CO2 into targeted fuels and platform chemicals, combining innovation from the point of view of both structured reactor design and multifunctional catalysts development.

Diciembre, 2022 | DOI: 10.3390/chemistry4040083





