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Artículos SCI


Propiedades mecánicas, modelización y caracterización de cerámicos avanzados

HfB2 ceramic polycrystals: A low-temperature metal-like ceramic at high temperatures?

Zapata-Solvas, E; Moshtaghioun, BM; Gomez-Garcia, D; Dominguez-Rodriguez, A; Lee, WE
Scripta Materialia, 203 (2021) 114037

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Hafnium diboride (HfB2) is a highly refractory (melting above 3000 degrees C) ceramic with many potential applications at high temperatures. To enable its use at temperature for extended periods its high-temperature plasticity must be known. This paper examines the mechanical response at temperatures between 900 degrees C and 2000 degrees C in air and in a reducing atmosphere, interpreting the data in the frame of classical models for the plasticity of compact-packed metals at low temperatures. In particular, the Friedel law and the principle of similitude for dislocation patterning are assessed. This reveals that HfB2 is a singular example of a ceramic material with "metal" mechanical behaviour.

Octubre, 2021 | DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2021.114037

Química de Superficies y Catálisis

Effect of potassium loading on basic properties of Ni/MgAl2O4 catalyst for CO2 reforming of methane

Azancot, L; Bobadilla, LF; Centeno, MA; Odriozola, JA
Journal of CO2 Utilization, 52 (2021) 101681

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Coke deposition is one of the key issues in the dry reforming of methane on Ni catalysts. In the present work, we investigate the effect of potassium addition for suppressing carbon deposition in the Dry Reforming of Methane. The results obtained demonstrated that potassium contents above 3 wt% promote carbon gasification, favouring both Reverse Water Gas Shift and Boudouard reaction. Strong basic Mg-O-K sites are responsible for these reactions allowing the suppression of carbon deposits and allowing the stability of the catalyst.

Octubre, 2021 | DOI: 10.1016/j.jcou.2021.101681

Fotocatálisis Heterogénea: Aplicaciones

Photocatalytic production of hydrogen and methane from glycerol reforming over Pt/TiO2–Nb2O5

Iervolino, G; Vaiano, V; Murcia, JJ; Lara, AE; Hernández, JS; Rojas, H; Navío, JA; Hidalgo, MC
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

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In this study, platinized mixed oxides (TiO2–Nb2O5) were tested on photocatalytic hydrogen production from a glycerol solution under UV light. Different samples with different Ti:Nb ratios were prepared by using a simple method that simultaneously combined a physical mixture and a platinum photochemical reduction. This method led to improved physicochemical properties such as low band gap, better Pt nanoparticle distribution on the surface, and the formation of different Pt species. Niobia content was also found to be an important factor in determining the overall efficiency of the Pt–TiO2–Nb2O5 photocatalyst in the glycerol reforming reaction. The photocatalytic results showed that Pt on TiO2–Nb2O5 enhanced hydrogen production from the aqueous glycerol solution at a 5 wt% initial glycerol concentration. The influence of different operating conditions such as the catalyst dosage and initial glycerol concentration was also evaluated. The results indicated that the best hydrogen and methane production was equal to 6657 μmol/L and 194 μmol/L, respectively after 4 h of UV radiation using Pt/Ti:Nb (1:2) sample and with 3 g/L of catalyst dosage. Moreover, the role of water in photocatalytic hydrogen production was studied through photocatalytic activity tests in the presence of D2O. The obtained results confirmed the role of water molecules on the photocatalytic production of hydrogen in an aqueous glycerol solution.

Septiembre, 2021 | DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.09.111

Tribología y Protección de Superficies

Nb-C thin films prepared by DC-MS and HiPIMS: Synthesis, structure, and tribomechanical properties

Sala, N; Abad, MD; Sánchez-López, JC; Caro, J; Colominas, C
Surface & Coatings Technology, 422 (2021) 127569

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Nanostructured Nb-C thin films were prepared by direct current magnetron sputtering (DC-MS) and high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS). The films were characterized in depth by X-ray diffraction (XRD), grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, electron probe microanalysis, and Raman spectroscopy. The mechanical properties were measured by nanoindentation, and the tribological properties were measured by pin-on-disk tests in ambient air. The wear tracks and ball scars were analyzed by Raman spectroscopy to elucidate the tribochemical reactions that occurred at the contact area and to determine the wear mechanism for each specimen type. The thermal stability of the coatings was studied up to 1000 degrees C using Raman spectroscopy and XRD. The samples prepared by DC-MS were very dense, and the phase composition changed from purely nanocrystalline (Nb2C and NbC) to a mixture of NbC crystals embedded in an amorphous carbon-based matrix (NbC/a-C(:H)). However, the samples prepared by HiPIMS developed a marked columnar morphology with a NbC/a-C(:H) nanocomposite structure. The hardness values ranged from 11 to 20 GPa depending on the deposition technique and the amount of the soft a-C(:H) phase present in the sample. The tribological properties of all the coatings were remarkably good when the carbon content was approximately 50 at.%. The formation of a lubricating sp(2)-rich C tribofilm between the ball and coating during the pin-on-disk tests was observed by Raman spectroscopy. The tribofilm formed preferentially on the samples prepared by HiPIMS, which had higher C contents. At 750 degrees C, the degradation of the NbC phases resulted in the formation of an additional a-C phase and niobium oxides.

Septiembre, 2021 | DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2021.127569

Materiales Coloidales

Si sputtering yield amplification: a study of the collisions cascade and species in the sputtering plasma

Cruz, J; Sangines, S; Soto-Valle; Muhl; Sierra, I; De Lucio-Morales, O; Mitrani, A; Calderon-Olvera, RM; Mendoza-Perez, R; Machorro-Mejia, R
Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 54 (2021) 375201

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The sputtering yield amplification (SYA) is a phenomenon based on doping a sputtering target with atoms of higher atomic mass. This doping changes the depth and the direction of the collision cascade in the target surface promoting a higher ejection of target atoms. In this work, we present a new way of generating the SYA phenomenon without the need of expensive and complex deposition systems. This was accomplished by increasing the working pressure and adding small pieces of W, as dopant element, on the racetrack of a Si target. The physical phenomena necessary to promote the SYA, for our experimental parameters, were analysed in two different deposition chambers and two sizes of sputtering targets. Based on the collisions in the gas phase, a calculation on the number of W atoms returning to the racetrack area was made, considering the number of atoms deposited on the thin films, to determine their effect on the cascade of collisions. In addition, calculations with the simulation of metal transport code were developed to determine the location on the racetrack zone the returning atoms were redeposited. By using reference samples placed on the racetrack of the Si target, we found that the percentage of SYA depends on the number of dopant atoms redeposited as well as the depth distribution these atoms had in the racetrack surface.

Septiembre, 2021 | DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/ac0c4e





