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Artículos SCI


Materiales para Bioingeniería y Regeneración Tisular

Nanofibrous Matrix of Defined Composition Sustains Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Culture

Borrego-Gonzalez, S; de la Cerda, B; Diaz-Corrales, FJ; Diaz-Cuenca, A
ACS Applied Bio Materials, 4 (2021) 3035-3040

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Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) represent the most promising biological material for regenerative medicine applications. In this work, a 3D solid nanofibrous matrix of defined composition (Colamigel-S) consisting of 97 wt % gelatin, 2.6 wt % atelocollagen, and 0.4 wt % laminin has been reproducibly processed and characterized and exhibits a homogeneous nanofibrillar network of high surface area, interconnected microcavities, and typical D-periodic collagen fibril nanostructural features. The purpose of the study was to test the performance of Colamigel-S as substrate for in vitro hiPSCs culture, finding that these cells efficiently attach and grow keeping their characteristic stem morphology and undifferentiated state.

Abril, 2021 | DOI: 10.1021/acsabm.0c00425

Química de Superficies y Catálisis

Fructose dehydration reaction over functionalized nanographitic catalysts in MIBK/H2O biphasic system

Martin, GD; Bounoukta, CE; Ammari, F; Dominguez, MI; Monzon, A; Ivanova, S; Centeno, MA
Catalysis Today, 366 (2021) 68-76

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A series of functionalized nanographitic carbons is prepared, characterized and tested in fructose dehydration reaction to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. The functionalization treatment was selected to introduce various Bro?nsted acid sites and to modify the textural and catalytic properties of the initial carbon material. Within the series, the sulfonated carbons present the most interesting catalytic behavior resulting in important selectivity to the desired product once the reaction variables were properly adjusted.

Abril, 2021 | DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2020.03.016

Química de Superficies y Catálisis

Biogas Conversion to Syngas Using Advanced Ni-Promoted Pyrochlore Catalysts: Effect of the CH4/CO2 Ratio

le Sache, E; Moreno, AA; Reina, TR
Frontiers in Chemistry, 9 (2021) 672419

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Biogas is defined as the mixture of CH4 and CO2 produced by the anaerobic digestion of biomass. This particular mixture can be transformed in high valuable intermediates such as syngas through a process known as dry reforming (DRM). The reaction involved is highly endothermic, and catalysts capable to endure carbon deposition and metal particle sintering are required. Ni-pyrochlore catalysts have shown outstanding results in the DRM. However, most reported data deals with CH4/CO2 stoichiometric ratios resulting is a very narrow picture of the overall biogas upgrading via DRM. Therefore, this study explores the performance of an optimized Ni-doped pyrochlore, and Ni-impregnated pyrochlore catalysts in the dry reforming of methane, under different CH4/CO2 ratios, in order to simulate various representatives waste biomass feedstocks. Long-term stability tests showed that the ratio CH4/CO2 in the feed gas stream has an important influence in the catalysts' deactivation. Ni doped pyrochlore catalyst, presents less deactivation than the Ni-impregnated pyrochlore. However, biogas mixtures with a CH4 content higher than 60%, lead to a stronger deactivation in both Ni-catalysts. These results were in agreement with the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of the post reacted samples that showed a very limited carbon formation when using biogas mixtures with CH4 content <60%, but CH4/CO2 ratios higher than 1.25 lead to an evident carbon deposition. TGA analysis of the post reacted Ni impregnated pyrochlore, showed the highest amount of carbon deposited, even with lower stoichiometric CH4/CO2 ratios. The later result indicates that stabilization of Ni in the pyrochlore structure is vital, in order to enhance the coke resistance of this type of catalysts.

Abril, 2021 | DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2021.672419

Nanotecnología en Superficies y Plasma

Form Birefringence in Resonant Transducers for the Selective Monitoring of VOCs under Ambient Conditions

Oliva-Ramirez, Manuel; Lopez-Santos, Carmen; Berthon, Hermine; Goven, Mathilde; Portoles, Jose; Gil-Rostra, Jorge; Gonzalez-Elipe, Agustin R.; Yubero, Francisco
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13 (2021) 19148-19158

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In this work, we have developed a new kind of nanocolumnar birefringent Bragg microcavity (BBM) that, tailored by oblique angle deposition, behaves as a selective transducer of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Unlike the atomic lattice origin of birefringence in anisotropic single crystals, in the BBM, it stems from an anisotropic self-organization at the nanoscale of the voids and structural elements of the layers. The optical adsorption isotherms recorded upon exposure of these nanostructured systems to water vapor and VOCs have revealed a rich yet unexplored phenomenology linked to their optical activity that provides both capacity for vapor identification and partial pressure determination. This photonic response has been reproduced with a theoretical model accounting for the evolution of the form birefringence of the individual layers upon vapor condensation in nanopores and internanocolumnar voids. BBMs that repel water vapor but are accessible to VOCs have been also developed through grafting of their internal surfaces with perfluorooctyltriethoxysilane molecules. These nanostructured photonic systems are proposed for the development of transducers that, operating under environmental conditions, may respond specifically to VOCs without any influence by the degree of humidity of the medium.

Abril, 2021 | DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c02499

Reactividad de Sólidos

Enhancing the electrical conductivity of in-situ reduced graphene oxide-zirconia composites through the control of the processing routine

Lopez-Pernia, C; Morales-Rodriguez, A; Gallardo-Lopez, A; Poyato, R
Ceramics International, 47 (2021) 9382-9391

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Graphene oxide (GO) was mixed with 3 mol% yttria tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (3YTZP) using two powder processing routines: a colloidal method in an aqueous solution and a combination of ultrasonication with highenergy planetary ball milling in wet conditions. Highly densified 3YTZP composites with reduced GO (rGO) were consolidated by Spark Plasma Sintering. The in-situ reduction of GO was successfully achieved during the high temperature sintering process and a detailed study of the restoration of the graphene structure in the sintered composites has been made by Raman spectroscopy. Although no differences between the composites prepared by the two processing methods were found in the distribution of the rGO throughout the 3YTZP matrix for high rGO contents (i.e. the composites with 5 and 10 vol% rGO), a better distribution of the graphene phase was found in the composites with 1 and 2.5 vol% rGO prepared by planetary ball milling. This result, together with a better reduction of the GO in these composites, led to the obtaining of rGO/3YTZP composites with a better behavior in terms of electrical conductivity: an electrical percolation threshold below 2.5 vol% rGO and a high electrical conductivity value (-610 S/m for 10 vol% rGO).

Abril, 2021 | DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2020.12.069





