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Artículos SCI


Nanotecnología en Superficies y Plasma

Plasma Enabled Conformal and Damage Free Encapsulation of Fragile Molecular Matter: from Surface-Supported to On-Device Nanostructures

Alcaire, M; Aparicio, FJ; Obrero, J; Lopez-Santos, C; Garcia-Garcia, FJ; Sanchez-Valencia, JR; Frutos, F; Ostrikov, K; Borras, A; Barranco, A
Advanced Functional Materials, (2019) art. 1903535

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Damage-free encapsulation of molecular structures with functional nanolayers is crucial to protect nanodevices from environmental exposure. With nanoscale electronic, optoelectronic, photonic, sensing, and other nanodevices based on atomically thin and fragile organic matter shrinking in size, it becomes increasingly challenging to develop nanoencapsulation that is simultaneously conformal at atomic scale and does not damage fragile molecular networks, while delivering added device functionality. This work presents an effective, plasma-enabled, potentially universal approach to produce highly conformal multifunctional organic films to encapsulate atomically thin graphene layers and metalorganic nanowires, without affecting their molecular structure and atomic bonding. Deposition of adamantane precursor and gentle remote plasma chemical vapor deposition are synergized to assemble molecular fragments and cage-like building blocks and completely encapsulate not only the molecular structures, but also the growth substrates and device elements upon nanowire integration. The films are insulating, transparent, and conformal at sub-nanometer scale even on near-tip high-curvature areas of high-aspect-ratio nanowires. The encapsulated structures are multifunctional and provide effective electric isolation, chemical and environmental protection, and transparency in the near-UV-visible-near-infrared range. This single-step, solvent-free remote-plasma approach preserves and guides molecular building blocks thus opening new avenues for precise, atomically conformal nanofabrication of fragile nanoscale matter with multiple functionalities.

Julio, 2019 | DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201903535

Química de Superficies y Catálisis

Au/CeO2-ZnO/Al2O3 as Versatile Catalysts for Oxidation Reactions: Application in Gas/Liquid Environmental Processes

Megias-Sayago, C; Reina, TR; Ivanova, S; Odriozola, JA
Frontiers in Chemistry, 7 (2019) art. 504

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The present work showcases the versatility of nanogold systems supported on Zn-doped ceria when applied in two important environmental processes, the total CO oxidation, and the liquid phase oxidation of glucose to gluconic acid. In the CO oxidation the suitability of these materials is clearly demonstrated achieving full conversions even at sub-ambient conditions. Regarding the glucose oxidation our materials display high conversion values (always over 50%) and very importantly full or almost full selectivity toward gluconic acid-an added value platform chemical in the context of biomass upgrading routes. The key factors controlling the successful performance on both reactions are carefully discussed and compared to previous studies in literature. To our knowledge this is one of the very few works in catalysis by gold combining liquid and gas phase reactions and represents a step forward in the flexible behavior of nano gold catalysts.

Julio, 2019 | DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2019.00504

Nanotecnología en Superficies y Plasma

Large gap atmospheric pressure barrier discharges using ferroelectric materials

Navascues, P.; Gonzalez-Elipe, A. R.; Cotrino, J.; Gomez-Ramirez, A.
Plasma Sources Sciences & Tecnology, 28 (2019) 075002

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This work reports a phenomenological comparative study of atmospheric pressure barrier plasmas using ferroelectric (ferroelectric barrier discharge (FBD)) and dielectric (dielectric barrier discharge (DBD)) plates to moderate the discharge. For FBD operation and large inter-electrode distances, experiments with helium carried out in a parallel plate reactor as a function of applied voltage have shown an enhancement of one order of magnitude in the charge transferred through the circuit. In a similar way to DBDs, FBDs rendered a laterally localized arrangement of discrete columnar discharges with a pattern distribution and an overall current intensity that depended on operation conditions. However, unlike the regular columnar pattern found for DBD operation, discharge columns in the FBD mode appear randomly and inhomogeneously distributed on the ferroelectric surface. This geometrical behavior of FBD plasma columns, as well as the singular variation of current with applied voltage and the particular shape characteristics of the current discharge curves have been accounted for by the high capacity of ferroelectric surfaces to randomly accumulate charge and to promote the emission of secondary electrons in the presence of a plasma.

Julio, 2019 | DOI: 10.1088/1361-6595/ab28ce

Propiedades mecánicas, modelización y caracterización de cerámicos avanzados

Does grain size have an influence on intrinsic mechanical properties and conduction mechanism of near fully-dense boron carbide ceramics?

Moshtaghioun, BM; Laguna-Bercero, MA; Gomez-Garcia, D; Pena, JI
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 795 (2019) 408-415

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This work is concentrated on getting a reply to the following question: how does the grain size of boron carbide specimens influence on their mechanical and electrical response? It is a common issue that both essential properties are usually affected by the grain boundaries. To this purpose, a set of near fully-dense boron carbide specimens were prepared by spark plasma sintering. In order to reduce residual porosity and grain-size effects, nanoindentation tests at room temperature were conducted. DC conductivity was measured through four-point test technique from room temperature up to 800 °C. The results show that hardness can reach values as high as ∼60 GPa and plasticity onset takes place at around 23 GPa by dislocation nucleation. Regarding the conductivity, it is found that grain boundaries can block the mobility of bipolarons in an effective way. A simple additive law is provided to account for the resistivity of boron carbide polycrystals.

Julio, 2019 | DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.05.037

Reactividad de Sólidos

Effects of Boron Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of (Ti,Ta)(C,N)-Co Based Cermets

Chicardi, E; Martinez, FJG
Metals, 9 (2019) art. 787

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In this work, a titanium-tantalum carbonitride based cermet, with cobalt as the binder phase and boron as a sintering additive, was developed by a mechanically induced self-sustaining reaction process using two different methodologies. The boron additive was added to prevent the formation of brittle intermetallic compounds generally formed during the liquid phase sintering step due to the excessive ceramic dissolution into the molten binder phase. A systematic study was carried out to understand the effects of boron addition on the nature of the phases, microstructure, and mechanical properties of cermets. With the boron addition, the formation of two different boride solid solutions, i. e., (Ti, Ta)B-2 and (Ti, Ta)(3)B-4, was observed. Moreover, the nature of the binder was also modified, from the (Ti, Ta)Co-2 brittle intermetallic compound (for cermets without boron addition) to ductile and tough (Ti, Ta)Co-3 and alpha-Co phases (for cermets with boron addition). These modifications caused, as a general trend, the increase of hardness and toughness in cermets.

Julio, 2019 | DOI: 10.3390/met9070787





