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Artículos SCI


Materiales de Diseño para la Energía y Medioambiente

Effect of carbonization temperature on the microplasticity of wood-derived biocarbon

Shpeizman, VV; Orlova, TS; Kardashev, BK; Smirnov, BI; Gutierrez-Pardo, A; Ramirez-Rico, J
Physics of the Solid State, 56 (2014) 538-545

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The uniaxial compression strength under stepped loading and the 325-nm-stepped deformation rate of biocarbon samples obtained by carbonization of beech wood at different temperatures in the 600–1600°C range have been measured using high-precision interferometry. It has been shown that the strength depends on the content of nanocrystalline phase in biocarbon. The magnitude of deformation jumps at micro- and nanometer levels and their variation with a change in the structure of the material and loading time have been determined. For micro- and nanometer-scale jumps, standard deviations of the differences between the experimentally measured deformation rate at loading steps and its magnitude at the smoothed fitting curve have been calculated, and the correlation of the error with the deformation prior to destruction has been shown. The results obtained have been compared with the previously published data on measurements of the elastic properties and internal friction of these materials.

Marzo, 2014 | DOI: 10.1134/S1063783414030305

Materiales Nanoestructurados y Microestructura

A Nanoscale Characterization with Electron Microscopy of Multilayered CrAlYN Coatings: A Singular Functional Nanostructure

Rojas, TC; Dominguez-Meister, S; Brizuela, M; Garcia-Luis, A; Fernandez, A; Sanchez-Lopez, JC
Microscoy and Microanalysis, 20 (2014) 14-24

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A combination of transmission electron microscopy techniques and spatially resolved microanalysis is used to investigate the nanostructure, constituting phases, and chemical elemental distribution in CrAlYN multilayered coatings. The location of the metallic elements and their chemical state are needed to understand their functional properties. Samples were prepared with variable Al (4-12 at%) and Y (2-5 at%) contents by direct current reactive magnetron sputtering on silicon substrates using metallic targets and Ar/N-2 mixtures under different deposition parameters (power applied to the target and rotation speed of the sample holder). The changes produced in the nanostructure and chemical distribution were investigated. Nanoscale resolution electron microscopy analysis has shown that these coatings present a singular nanostructure formed by multilayers containing at a certain periodicity nanovoids filled with molecular nitrogen. Spatially resolved energy dispersive spectroscopy and electron energy loss elemental mappings and profiles showed that the chromium, aluminum, and yttrium atoms are distributed in a sequential way following the position of the targets inside the deposition chamber. Analysis of the different atomic distribution and phases formed at the nanoscale is discussed depending on the deposition parameters.

Febrero, 2014 | DOI: 10.1017/S1431927613013962

Química de Superficies y Catálisis

Wall paintings studied using Raman spectroscopy: A comparative study between various assays of cross sections and external layers

Perez-Rodriguez, JL; Robador, MD; Centeno, MA; Siguenza, B; Duran, A
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 120 (2014) 602-609

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This work describes a comparative study between in situ applications of portable Raman spectroscopy and direct laboratory measurements using micro-Raman spectroscopy on the surface of small samples and of cross sections. The study was performed using wall paintings from different sites of the Alcazar of Seville.

Little information was obtained using a portable Raman spectrometer due to the presence of an acrylic polymer, calcium oxalate, calcite and gypsum that was formed or deposited on the surface. The pigments responsible for different colours, except cinnabar, were not detected by the micro-Raman spectroscopy study of the surface of small samples taken from the wall paintings due to the presence of surface contaminants.

The pigments and plaster were characterised using cross sections. The black colour consisted of carbon black. The red layers were formed by cinnabar and white lead or by iron oxides. The green and white colours were composed of green emerald or atacamite and calcite, respectively. Pb3O4 has also been characterised. The white layers (plaster) located under the colour layers consisted of calcite, quartz and feldspars. The fresco technique was used to create the wall paintings.

A wall painting located on a gypsum layer was also studied. The Naples yellow in this wall painting was not characterised due to the presence of glue and oils.

This study showed the advantage of studying cross sections to completely characterise the pigments and plaster in the studied wall paintings.

Febrero, 2014 | DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2013.10.052

Nanotecnología en Superficies y Plasma

Plasma Deposition of Superhydrophobic Ag@ TiO2 Core@ shell Nanorods on Processable Substrates

Macias-Montero, M; Borras, A; Romero-Gomez, P; Cotrino, J; Frutos, F; Gonzalez-Elipe, AR
Plasma Process and Polymers, 11 (2014) 164-174

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This work reports the low temperature plasma formation of Ag@TiO2 nanorods (NRs) on processable substrates. The layers have been analyzed by electron microscopy and secondary ion mass spectroscopy. The NRs morphologies suggest that the plasma sheath, the high mobility of the silver and the incoming direction of the precursor moieties are key factors determining their shape, dimensions, and tilting orientation. Both amorphous and anatase Ag@TiO2 NRs surfaces are superhydrophobic, and turn into superhydrophilic by irradiation with UV light. This wetting behavior is discussed by considering the water penetration in the inter-NR space during the light-mediated transformation.

Febrero, 2014 | DOI: 10.1002/ppap.201300112

Nanotecnología en Superficies y Plasma

Low Temperature Production of Formaldehyde from Carbon Dioxide and Ethane by Plasma-Assisted Catalysis in a Ferroelectrically Moderated Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor

Gomez-Ramirez, A; Rico, VJ; Cotrino, J; Gonzalez-Elipe, A; Lambert, RM
ACS Catalysis, 4 (2014) 402-408

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Plasma-assisted catalysis of the reaction between CO2 and C2H6 in a single-pass, ferroelectrically moderated dielectric barrier discharge reactor has been studied at near ambient temperature as a function of physicochemical and electrical reaction variables. The presence of small amounts of a vanadia/alumina catalyst dispersed on the BaTiO3 ferroelectric markedly enhanced the production of formaldehyde, the focus of this work. A maximum HCOH selectivity of 11.4% (defined with respect to the number of ethane carbon atoms consumed) at 100% ethane conversion was achieved, the other products being CO, H2O, H2, CH4 and a small amount of C3H8. N2O was also an effective partial oxidant (HCOH selectivity 8.9%) whereas use of O2 led to complete combustion, behavior that may be rationalized in terms of the electron impact excitation cross sections of the three oxidants. Control experiments with the coproducts CH4 and C3H8 showed that these species were not intermediates in HCOH formation from C2H6. Analysis of reactor performance as a function of discharge characteristics revealed that formaldehyde formation was strongly favored at low frequencies where the zero-current fraction of the duty cycle was greatest, the implication being that plasma processes also acted to destroy previously formed products. A tentative reaction mechanism is proposed that accounts for the broad features of formaldehyde production.

Febrero, 2014 | DOI: 10.1021/cs4008528





