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Materiales Avanzados

Preparation of Geopolymeric Materials from Industrial Kaolins, with Variable Kaolinite Content and Alkali Silicates Precursors

Martínez-Martínez, S; Bouguermouh, K; Bouzidi, N; Mahtout, L; Sánchez-Soto, PJ; Pérez-Villarejo, L
Materials, 17 (2024) 1839

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In the present work, the development of geopolymeric materials with Na or K based on industrial kaolin samples, with variable kaolinite content and alkaline silicates, is studied. XRF, XRD, FTIR and SEM-EDS have been used as characterization techniques. Three ceramic kaolin samples, two from Algeria and one from Charente (France), have been considered. In particular, chemical and mineralogical characterization revealed elements distinct of Si and Al, and the content of pure kaolinite and secondary minerals. Metakaolinite was obtained by grinding and sieving raw kaolin at 80 mu m and then by thermal activation at 750 degrees C for 1 h. This metakaolinite has been used as a base raw material to obtain geopolymers, using for this purpose different formulations of alkaline silicates with NaOH or KOH and variable Si/K molar ratios. The formation of geopolymeric materials by hydroxylation and polycondensation characterized with different Si/Al molar ratios, depending on the original metakaolinite content, has been demonstrated. Sodium carbonates have been detected by XRD and FTIR, and confirmed by SEM-EDS, in two of these geopolymer materials being products of NaOH carbonation.

Abril, 2024 | DOI: 10.3390/ma17081839

Materiales de Diseño para la Energía y Medioambiente

Direct Laser Writing: From Materials Synthesis and Conversion to Electronic Device Processing

Pinheiro, T; Morais, M; Silvestre, S; Carlos, E; Coelho, J; Almeida, HV; Barquinha, P; Fortunato, E; Martins, R
Advanced Materials, 36 (2024) 26

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Direct Laser Writing (DLW) has been increasingly selected as a microfabrication route for efficient, cost-effective, high-resolution material synthesis and conversion. Concurrently, lasers participate in the patterning and assembly of functional geometries in several fields of application, of which electronics stand out. In this review, recent advances and strategies based on DLW for electronics microfabrication are surveyed and outlined, based on laser material growth strategies. First, the main DLW parameters influencing material synthesis and transformation mechanisms are summarized, aimed at selective, tailored writing of conductive and semiconducting materials. Additive and transformative DLW processing mechanisms are discussed, to open space to explore several categories of materials directly synthesized or transformed for electronics microfabrication. These include metallic conductors, metal oxides, transition metal chalcogenides and carbides, laser-induced graphene, and their mixtures. By accessing a wide range of material types, DLW-based electronic applications are explored, including processing components, energy harvesting and storage, sensing, and bioelectronics. The expanded capability of lasers to participate in multiple fabrication steps at different implementation levels, from material engineering to device processing, indicates their future applicability to next-generation electronics, where more accessible, green microfabrication approaches integrate lasers as comprehensive tools.
This review covers recent progress and breakthroughs in direct laser writing for multimaterial synthesis and conversion, toward processing and fabrication of electronics. Predominant laser-material processing mechanisms for the writing of conductive and semiconductive materials are discussed, alongside important considerations on laser operation and implementation for both rigid and flexible electronics, including microelectronics, energy harvesting and storage, sensors, and bioelectronics. image

Abril, 2024 | DOI: 10.1002/adma.202402014

Materiales Ópticos Multifuncionales

Exciton-carrier coupling in a metal halide perovskite nanocrystal assembly probed by two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy

Rojas-Gatjens, E; Tiede, DO; Koch, KA; Romero-Perez, C; Galisteo-López, JF; Calvo, ME; Míguez, H; Kandada, ARS
Journal of Physics-Materials, 7 (2024) 025002

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The surface chemistry and inter-connectivity within perovskite nanocrystals play a critical role in determining the electronic interactions. They manifest in the Coulomb screening of electron-hole correlations and the carrier relaxation dynamics, among other many-body processes. Here, we characterize the coupling between the exciton and free carrier states close to the band-edge in a ligand-free formamidinium lead bromide nanocrystal assembly via two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy. The optical signatures observed in this work show: (i) a nonlinear spectral lineshape reminiscent of Fano-like interference that evidences the coupling between discrete electronic states and a continuum, (ii) symmetric excited state absorption cross-peaks that suggest the existence of a coupled exciton-carrier excited state, and (iii) ultrafast carrier thermalization and exciton formation. Our results highlight the presence of coherent coupling between exciton and free carriers, particularly in the sub-100 femtosecond timescales.

Abril, 2024 | DOI: 10.1088/2515-7639/ad229a

Química de Superficies y Catálisis

Reforming of biomass-derived producer gas using toluene as model tar: Deactivation and regeneration studies in Ni and K-Ni catalysts

Azancot, L; González-Castaño, M; Bobadilla, LF; Centeno, MA; Odriozola, JA
Environmental Research, 247 (2024) 118210

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Within the syngas production from biomass gasification, tar removal constitutes a chief issue to overcome for advanced catalytic systems. This work investigates the performance of Ni and Ni-K catalysts for reforming of derived-biomass producer gas using toluene as model tar. At 750 degrees C and 60Lg(-1)h(-1), the stability test (70 h) revealed stable performances (CO2, CH4 and C7H8 conversions of 60, 95 and 100%, correspondingly) uniquely for the Ni-K catalyst. Although the efficient protection towards coking let by K was demonstrated, TPO studies over the post-reacted systems still evidenced the presence of carbon deposits for both samples. Conducting three successive reaction/regeneration cycles with different gasifying agents (air, steam and CO2) at 800 C for 1h, the capability towards regeneration of both catalytic systems was assessed and the spent catalysts were characterized by XRD, SEM and TEM. While none of the regeneration treatments recovered the performance of the unpromoted catalyst, the Ni-K catalysts demonstrated the capability of being fully regenerated by air and CO2 and exhibited analogous catalytic performances after a series of reaction/regeneration cycles. Hence, it is proved that the addition of K into Ni catalysts not only enhances the resistance against deactivation but enables rather facile regenerative procedures under certain atmospheres (air and CO2).

Abril, 2024 | DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2024.118210

Materiales Nanoestructurados y Microestructura

Synergistic Effect of He for the Fabrication of Ne and Ar Gas-Charged Silicon Thin Films as Solid Targets for Spectroscopic Studies

Fernández, A; Godinho, V; Ávila, J; Jiménez de Haro, MC; Hufschmidt, D; López-Viejobueno, J; Almanza-Vergara, GE; Ferrer, FJ; Colaux, JL; Lucas, S; Asensio, MC
Nanomaterials, 14(8) (2024) 727

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Sputtering of silicon in a He magnetron discharge (MS) has been reported as a bottom-up procedure to obtain He-charged silicon films (i.e., He nanobubbles encapsulated in a silicon matrix). The incorporation of heavier noble gases is demonstrated in this work with a synergistic effect, producing increased Ne and Ar incorporations when using He–Ne and He–Ar gas mixtures in the MS process. Microstructural and chemical characterizations are reported using ion beam analysis (IBA) and scanning and transmission electron microscopies (SEM and TEM). In addition to gas incorporation, He promotes the formation of larger nanobubbles. In the case of Ne, high-resolution X-ray photoelectron and absorption spectroscopies (XPS and XAS) are reported, with remarkable dependence of the Ne 1s photoemission and the Ne K-edge absorption on the nanobubble’s size and composition. The gas (He, Ne and Ar)-charged thin films are proposed as “solid” targets for the characterization of spectroscopic properties of noble gases in a confined state without the need for cryogenics or high-pressure anvils devices. Also, their use as targets for nuclear reaction studies is foreseen.

Abril, 2024 | DOI: 10.3390/nano14080727





